
A basic forum built with Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap.

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rails-forum is a basic forum app I created to learn about Ruby on Rails. Hopefully others could use this as a starting place for a forum application.

Developed On

Required Gems

Getting Started

First you need to clone the project into place.

    git clone git@github.com:cha55son/rails-forum.git

Next use bundle to pull in all the required gems

    bundle install

Now you need to setup the database

    rake db:setup
    rake db:migrate

Be sure to copy the development.rb.example to development.rb

    cp environments/development.rb.example environments/development.rb
    vim environments/development.rb

Update the development.rb file to reflect the host and mail credentials for your site. Now run the following command to start the server

    rails server # Starts on port 3000 use -p to change the port.

You may now connect to the site by visiting http://localhost:3000

The first user to sign up on the site will be given admin privileges and will be able to promote other users to admin status.

Thats all there is to it. Thanks for reading.